As part of a fundraising bid to lobby for same-sex marriage in Taiwan, Taiwan Tongzhi (LGBT) Hotline Association launch beautiful video of LGBT acceptance.
Interested in Men for Friendship, Relationship, Action
Online: 2 hours ago
Hello, new and long-time friends!
Male | 63 | 5' 11"180cm / 216lbs98kg | Caucasian
Johnson City, Tennessee, United States
Interested in Men for Friendship, Relationship, Chat
Online: 13 hours ago
GoooooooooooDay Everybodies :) You ask me for money, Then It Is Over!
Male | 55 | 5' 7"171cm / 145lbs66kg
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Interested in Men for Friendship, Relationship
Online: 2 hours ago
Hey there
Male | 5' 8"173cm / 156lbs71kg | Caucasian
California, United States
Interested in Men for Friendship, Action
Online: 21 hours ago
I'm a relationship oriented guy. Versatile, HIV-, no drugs, no drama. Love to laugh. Live right on a lake and enjoy the water. Love to explore, and the DC area has lots of interesting things to see and do. Looking for a decent looking guy, 24 - 39, whose mind is working, has a decent sense of humor and some adventure in him. Someone who says what he means and means what he says.
Male | 80 | 5' 11"181cm / 176lbs80kg | Caucasian
Reston, Virginia, United States
Interested in Men for Action
Online: 13 hours ago
Male | 57 | 5' 10"178cm / 156lbs71kg | Chinese
San Diego, California, United States
Interested in Men for Relationship
Online: 24 minutes ago
Friends & Fun. Visit Asia & EU often.
Male | 71 | 5' 5"166cm / 165lbs75kg | Caucasian
Oakland, California, United States
Interested in Men, MTF, FTM, Intersex for Friendship, Action, Chat
Reader's Comments
Striped t shirts though! Very not this season.
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