seeking someone to join me on this journey called life
男性 | 65 | 5' 8"172cm | 白人
New Hampshire, United States
在線上: 13個小時前
Hi Everybodies :) You ask me for money, Then It Is Over!
男性 | 55 | 5' 7"171cm / 149lbs68kg
Chicago, Illinois, United States
對象為男生作為朋友, 拍拖對象
在線上: 5個小時前
I'm a caring and intelligent son but trust is a big factor for me, as I think it is very important to the DADDY/SON relationship and in any other relationships in general.
男性 | 24
San Diego, California, United States
在線上: 一日前
Hello from LA
男性 | 69 | 5' 1"156cm / 110lbs50kg | 日本人
Los Angeles, California, United States
對象為男生作為朋友, 拍拖對象
在線上: 一分鐘前
Hi, I’m David. I'm a nice guy, interested mostly in friends, and more