Although cheating is not specific to any sexual orientation, is it more tolerable or even acceptable among gay men than among heterosexuals? This writer wonders if gay men have learnt (implicitly) that not only do we not get censured for our misdeeds, but we may even get rewarded for it.
Marcel Wiel, author of Find Love in a Gay Bathhouse, says contrary to popular belief one can meet quality husband material as the bathhouse is a good place to observe men at 'play', and provides tips on how to spot Mr Right in a pool of sexual contacts and to save oneself 'a lot of time and energy' by weeding out the wrong guys.
Fridae speaks with Marcel Wiel, a UK journalist and author of Find Love in a Gay Bathhouse, who says his meeting his husband in the steam room of a 24-hour bathhouse provided the impetus to publish the book and that a bathhouse is really not as hopeless a place to meet quality husband material as often thought.
A common opinion is that gay relationships are less permanent than straight ones... but do or should we aspire towards having committed lifelong relationships? Openly gay Singaporean man Otto Fong shares his views in response to a recent article on