Just how far would you go to help out your community? Betu and Maya of Sangini, a Delhi-based lesbian support group, host an average of 20 "guests" – lesbian and bisexual women as well as transmen who find themselves disowned by their families or in danger after coming out – a year, in their South Delhi home and at times risk their own safety to do so.
As the holiday season is upon us and whether you'll be travelling, staying home and/or looking to make a charitable donation, the lesbian duo who are on a roadtrip around the world in search of “Supergays” has identified 10 ways we can spread some cheer all through the new year and beyond.
Jennifer Chang and Lisa Dazols, a couple who are traveling the world in search of “Supergays” who are creating change for the LGBTQ community, speak with Xiangqi, the founder of Shanghai Nvai about setting up the city's only lesbian group for local Chinese, faux marriages where gay men and lesbian women marry one another, and lesbian life in China.
The third Shanghai Pride will be held from Oct 22 - 29. Jennifer Chang and Lisa Dazols, a couple who left their San Francisco home in June to travel the world for a year in search of “Supergays” who are creating change for the LGBTQ community, speak with Shanghai Pride organisers Dylan Chen, Charlene Liu and Kenneth Tan.