The Court of Final Appeal in Hong Kong on Thursday (6 June) ruled in favour of a gay senior civil servant suing for spousal benefits for his husband. Angus Leung, an immigration officer who married his husband Scott Adams in New Zealand five years ago, sued the government in 2015. It had refused to recognise his marital status and grant his husband benefits such as medical insurance.
On Thursday (6 June), five judges led by Chief Justice Geoggrey Ma ruled Hong Kong’s civil service and Inland Revenue Department must recognize the pair as a married couple. Advocacy group Hong Kong Marriage Equality called on the government to implement full recognition of same-sex marriage. ‘There is no more time to waste. The government should immediately implement the court’s reasoning by introducing marriage equality and reviewing all policies and laws that discriminate against families on the grounds of their sexual orientation.’ ‘This decision by the court highlights the gap between LGBT rights and the current policies and laws that discriminate against the LGBT Community’, the group said in a statement. ‘Ensuring equality for same-sex couples enhances the institution of marriage, protects families and strengthens our community’.
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