On May 6, the Miami New Times reported that George Alan Rekers, one of America's most prominent anti-gay activists and a Baptist minister, took a 20-year-old male escort that he met on Rentboy.com to Europe.

The pair was seen arriving at Miami International Airport on April 13 after a ten-day trip to Europe.
When quizzed by a Miami New Times reporter before a trip to Bermuda, Rekers said he learned "Lucien" (what the paper called the rent boy) was a prostitute only midway through their vacation.
"I had surgery," Rekers said, "and I can't lift luggage. That's why I hired him." (The paper noted that "medical problems didn't stop him from pushing the tottering baggage cart through the Miami airport.)
Rekers is a founder of the Family Research Council, a board member of the National Association for Research & Therapy of Homosexuality, and testified as an expert witness in favor of gay adoption bans in both Arkansas and Florida. He has also published several anti-gay books.
In 1983, he and James Dobson (Founder of Focus on the Family and 'America's best-known homophobe') formed the Family Research Council, a D.C.-based, rabidly Christian, and vehemently anti-gay lobbying group that has become a standard-bearer of the nation's extreme right wing.
Truth Wins Out, a group that monitors the ex-gay movement, has called on Rekers to resign from the board of a leading “ex-gay” therapy group and apologise to the LGBT community.
"This is a bombshell that completely discredits the ex-gay industry and proves that the movement is a fraud," said Wayne Besen, Executive Director of Truth Wins Out.
"While Rekers keeps a low public profile, his fingerprints are on almost every anti-gay effort to demean and dehumanise LGBT people. Lobby groups that work to deny equality to LGBT Americans ubiquitously cite his work. Rekers has caused a great deal of harm to gay and lesbian individuals."
"Given the sordid and tawdry facts, he should immediately step down from NARTH's Board and apologise to the LGBT community for his extreme hypocrisy and self-loathing. As of today, his entire body of work on LGBT issues is rendered meaningless."
Meanwhile, gay blogger Joe Jervis (Joe.My.God) who contacted Rekers after the news broke was told that the latter was seeking out folks like "Lucien" in order to "minister" to them.
Reader's Comments
The list just gets longer and longer:
Mark Foley, Ted Haggard, Larry Craig and now this guy …
Who, I was very amused to notice, I saw silently taking what was 1,000,000% a Rent Boy down the lonnnnnnnnnnnnng hallway to his apartment last week!
Wow - maybe there's a Lot of Straight guys out there seeking to 'minister' to Rent Boys, huh? (Is there a discount for that?)
We might run out of fresh water,
We might run out of fresh air,
But we'll never run out hypocrits
You'll find them everywhere
Maybe... just maybe... his next, um, rent-a-boy will simply be a poser ready to kick some nuts! OMG! That's cruel. Shame on me for thinking such things!
what gay man would wear that?
so cheesy
Back to the drawing board, Shane!
Obviously you don't hate the guy for being a hypocrite, a liar, and a fraud. No, you hate him because he's old, shanky, and ugly in your eyes. Shame on you, you homophobic brainless homo.
Your comments make me puke.
Thanks for the jokes after a hard day's work.
God is kind.
The issue is here is someone who has made a career out of harming LGBT people. Making people think being Gay is a "disorder" and that Gays and Lesbisans are a "threat" to families and Children.
This man may well be directly responsible for untold numbers of LGBT youth who have committed suicde out of dispair because their families listened to THIS man and rejected or tried to "Change" their children through "repairative thearpy" He is the scum of the Earth and should be treated as such.
The French writer Alfred Jarry created in 1896 a character called Ubu who illustrates the way horror can easily mingle with farce, and his amazing books have produced the adjective "ubuesque", which accurately befits Rekers (rhymes with peckers). Merdre to you Reverend P. !
Wat a ridiculous pathetic excuse
But who the hell asks them to go on a crusade against LGBT rights? What perverse level of Masochism is that? Beyond that, no one has the right to project his own self hatred onto hating others.
So I am happy when they are caught by the media and it is mildly amusing to see their homophobic employer/ideologist (church or whatnot) drag them through the mud.
from the Gospel of St George, Chapter 5, verses iii and iv.
from the Gospel of St George, chapter 3, verse ix.
"Suffer little children and just come over me. Now pass the Kleenex."
ibid, ch 3, verse ii.
Maybe he's half-right about there being a cure for homosexuality. The thought of this hypocrite naked, slobbering over a boy 40 years his junior, is enough to put me off the idea of sex for, oh, about 3 minutes!
In any case, GOD is Just! ;-)
There's Karma involved for disrespecting GOD's Creation :-)
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